Year 6 to 7 Transition
Message from the Head of Year 7 - Mrs Robson
I am proud to be the Head of Year 7 at Sanders Draper and thoroughly enjoy being part of the transition process. I understand that for students and parents in year 6 this is a huge change for them, it is my job to both reassure them and ensure this process runs as smoothly as possible.
My role during the transition process is to ensure that students and parents are happy, settled and safe whilst encouraging students to become more independent, make new friends and try new things. Students at Sanders are valued and well looked after.
The pastoral team at Sanders Draper is excellent, myself and our form tutors work hard to ensure communication between home and school ensures the safety and well being of our students. Children are given many opportunities to try new things and enjoy a wide and varied curriculum. We believe in developing the whole child and get to know each child as an individual, so we can help get the best from them.
I have been working with and will continue to work with our feeder schools in order to ensure that our transition process is the best it can be. Our aim is to ensure that year 7 is the start of a successful journey for our students.
A warm welcome from our students
Below are two video clips from Heidi and Paige welcoming our new students. You can also find three letter written to our new students from our excited current students who are eager to meet their new peers in September.
Year 6 Transition
We will keep you updated and as informed regarding the Year 6 transition to Sanders School. We appreciate that this is a difficult time for all and whilst there is uncertainty as to what the next weeks and months will bring, we are preparing to support all members of our community, including those transitioning from Year 6, as best as we can.
If you have any questions or queries regarding the transition process at this time, please do not hesitate to contact us using the following email addresses or my completing the form at the bottom of this page:
• Ms Robson - Head of Year 7 -
• Miss Nicholson - Deputy Headteacher (Pastoral) -
We thank you for your assistance and understanding, and despite difficult circumstances, we welcome you to our community.
Welcome letter from Headteacher Mr Brooks here
Welcome letter from Head of Year 7 Ms Robson here
We are ambitious about our students and believe that they are capable of anything they put their mind to. Whilst we know that students are still being set work by their primary schools, we have been asked by parents for transition work. The link below will take you through to the Optional Transitional Activities page, here students can partake in work prior to joining us in September.
We also want to give our future students a chance to ask us any questions which they have about anything to do with their new school lives. We are happy to answer any of your questions at all as it will be much better to ask them now than to worry about not knowing something until September! Just fill in the form below and we will get back to you.
New Admissions
For further information on admission to Sanders please click on the button below to be taken to our admission page of the website