Heads of Year

Year 7 - Mrs Robson

Year 7 is a very important year in the lives of our young people and one in which they need support and guidance.  It is my role to ensure the transition from primary through to secondary school is as smooth as possible and our students feel supported and guided through this time.  Year 7 is a milestone in any student’s education and one which should be enjoyed and looked forward to.

It is my aim to promote kindness and respect throughout the year group and promote a team ethos in which we work together to achieve whilst promoting a good working environment in order for students to succeed and excel.

My expectations are high and these are conveyed and maintained throughout our journey together in Year 7 in order to ensure that students are ready to continue their journey into Year 8.

You can contact Head of Year 7, Mrs Robson via email: krobson@sandersschool.org.uk 

Year 8 - Mr Boucetta 

Students in Year 8 are familiar with the school and are now be fully equipped to achieve and exceed expectations. Students are familiar with their teachers and peers and are in the best position to role model good behaviour and offer a helping hand to their new Year 7 peers. My duty is to ensure all students have all the support required to achieve the best they can whilst being happy and comfortable in school. 

You can contact Head of Year 8, Mr Boucetta via email: yboucetta@sandersschool.org.uk

Year 9 - Mr Britton

My standards and expectations are high within the year group.  I firmly believe that resilience, good principles, and a positive mindset will be the key to their future success.   We work hard both inside and outside of the classroom to equip the students with key Interpersonal skills; The ability to reason, negotiate, and communicate effectively.   I believe these key skills will underpin the success of these superb young people. These attributes will also play a huge role in enabling the students to work effectively with teachers, associate staff, and peers to facilitate a positive transition into sixth form and college. “A bad hour doesn’t mean it’s a bad day, there is always a way of putting it right”.

You can contact Head of Year 9, Mr Britton via email: cbritton@sandersschool.org.uk 

Year 10 - Ms Briggs 

Year 10 is a time for students to focus on developing their independence and a positive attitude to learning. As Head of Year 8 my aim is to promote a calm structured and supportive environment for the students to be able to mature and progress as independent learners and responsible members of the community. My aim is to provide a calm, consistent environment and promote teamwork where all students support and respect each other in order for all to progress. My expectations of students are high and I lay great importance on attendance, punctuality , attitude to learning and behaviour. I believe a consistent approach and positive relations with home are key to students making progress and thriving. I look forward to developing and supporting this cohort to ensure they are confident , resilient and aspire to be their very best . 

You can contact Head of Year 10, Ms Briggs via email: bbriggs@sandersschool.org.uk 

Year 11 - Mrs Patience

This important year will see many changes start to take hold, including the importance of students developing good learning habits which will stay with them through their education journey.  It is my aim to provide the year group with a calm, stable environment in which they can learn. My expectations of the students are high, with a huge importance being placed on attitude to learning, attendance, punctuality and behaviour. 

You can contact Head of Year 11, Mrs Patience via email: jpatience@sandersschool.org.uk