Special Educational Needs and Disability 

The school has an Inclusion faculty, who effectively support students with a range of Special Educational Needs. 

Liaison with students, parents/carers, primary schools and other outside agencies as well as regular assessment of students within the school enables students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) to be quickly identified so that the appropriate support strategies can be devised and implemented. Students' progress is continuously monitored at Sanders to ensure that they continue to progress in their education. 

Our SENDCO is Mrs S King.  She will will be happy to answer any questions that you may have via email:  sking@sandersschool.org.uk 

Havering Travel assistance 23/24 information

Please be aware that application for home to school travel assistance for the 2023/24 academic year is open from  Monday 27th March 2023.


Students who currently receive Havering travel assistance and have had no significant changes in their circumstances can complete the renewal form.

Significant changes include things such as:

·        change of school

·        change of home address

·        change of healthcare needs, etc.


Students who have not applied before and meet the eligibility criteria must apply for travel assistance form.

Students who have applied before but have reported changes in their circumstances must also apply for travel assistance form.


Travel assistance is reviewed on an annual basis and all applications must be made online via: https://www.havering.gov.uk/info/20006/schools_and_education/431/school_support/12


Each application will be assessed and you will be informed of the decision in writing, via email.


We encourage all parents and guardians to apply as soon as possible. Applications must be made by Friday 26 May 2023.


If no form is received by this date, the local authority will assume the student no longer requires travel assistance for the next academic year.


Emails has also been sent to all parents/ guardians of students who are currently receiving travel assistance.


For your awareness, the 2023/24 Havering transport policy has also been launched and you can access this here - https://www.havering.gov.uk/downloads/file/2027/school_and_post-16_travel_assistance_policy


We would appreciate if you could circulate this information on your school’s website and newsletters, and also refer parents to the Transport page link on the Havering website or the Local Offer – https://familyserviceshub.havering.gov.uk/kb5/havering/directory/advice.page?id=9iMGmVKfR40&localofferchannel=0



Whilst applying for this service, we would like to draw your attention to some key aspects of the Travel Assistance Policy:

·       It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to ensure that their children attend school regularly

·       Students who are able to travel independently, use public transport or be transported to school by a parent/guardian or other appropriate person will be encouraged to do so

·       All travel options are explored for students and any assistance offered will look at what is efficient and effective, both in terms of sustainability and cost

·       Students who have additional travel needs will be offered the most independent and personally enabling solution for their situation and be supported if required

·       The travel needs of students will be reviewed regularly to ensure the arrangements are still appropriate for their assessed needs

·       Where travel assistance is provided, the most cost-effective mode of transport that meets the individual’s needs must always be used

·      The use of existing provision such as free travel on public transport will be encouraged wherever possible

Further information

Should you have any queries relating to the travel assistance application/eligibility, or to update your personal information if anything changes, please contact CADTransport@Havering.gov.uk.

Children with ASD at Christmas.pdf
New Group Youth Flyer.pdf
OpaLS Flyer.pdf
POSTER V3.1.pdf