Procedure for Emergency/ Early School Closure
Procedure for Emergency School Closure
Below clarifies our emergency procedure in the event of a school closure for the following reasons:
The school does not open for reasons such as lack of heating or water
Early closure when the school is in session and needs to close.
The procedure will be:
1. We will use our message service inTouch, to contact you as soon as practicable.
2. A message will be placed on the school website as soon as possible.
Please DO NOT telephone the school to ask about the situation. Following an emergency closure the same procedure will be followed to inform parents about the reopening of the school.
Procedure for Early Closure when the school is in session
We do not anticipate the need to close during the school day, however you need to be aware that in the case of an emergency necessitating the closure of the school students will be sent home, one year group at a time and in accordance with those who we have permission for. For those we dont we will make contact with home.
If you have not yet given permission please complete the form here
Procedures for adverse snow conditions
Our main priority will always be to open the school as normal but, in rare circumstances, we may need to change the timings of the school day or close.
A decision will be made by 7.30am and communicated via the website and inTouch as per our approach. Please note that some of our staff travel considerable distances and may not be able to get into school if conditions are particularly bad.
Your child’s safety is our greatest concern. The most likely decision will be to operate a snow day timetable that gives students and staff more time to travel safely and minimise disruption to your child’s education.
In adverse snow conditions we will follow the timetable outlined below:
Period 2 10:05am - 11:05am
Break 11:05am - 11:30am
Period 3 11:30am - 12:30pm
Period 4 12:30pm - 13:30pm
Lunch 13:30pm - 14:10pm
Period 5 14:10pm - 14:15pm
* Please make sure your child does not arrive before 9:45am on these days.
The early finish will allow students and staff to travel home safely. The above timetable will be used for a situation involving snow. This is also subject to change and parents will be notified on the day.
If it is deemed to be unsafe to open at all we will look to offer virtual lessons via Google Meet.