Term Dates

2023/24 Term dates

     Staff Development Days 2023/2024 (students do not attend school on these days):

SDD1 - 4th September 2023

SDD2 - 5th September 2023

SDD3 - 11th October 2023

SDD4 - 30th November 2023

SDD5  - 3rd May 2024

2024/25 dates

Staff Development Days 2024/2025 (closed to students unless stated):

SDD1 - 2nd September 2024 

SDD2 - 3rd September 2024 (All of Year 7 will be in from 11am)

SDD3 - 18th October 2024

SDD4 - 21st July 2025

SDD5  - 22nd July 2025

Outcome of consultation on implementing a two week October half term:

The consultation responses showed that a significant majority of all stakeholders support this initiative and of course statutorially and as a Trust we can set our own term dates. The results of the consultation can be found in the Trust Documents section of our website at www.sfaet.co.uk. This approach has also been shared with our recognised Trade Unions who appreciate this response from the Trust to staff and parent/carer feedback. 

This will mean that the first day of the October half term holiday will be on Monday, 21st October and schools will reopen on Monday, 4th November.  It is important to stress once again that this initiative evolved from earlier communications with stakeholders, who were of the view that this would be an effective and appreciated element of the Trust’s approach to the wellbeing of staff and students with clear benefits to all.

Green shows school holidays Red shows Bank Holidays