Home Learning

Home learning is designed to allow pupils to advance in their education by allowing them more in depth study through research tasks and to reinforce skills which have been introduced in lessons. At Sanders Draper students will be set home learning on a regular basis, every three to four lessons. 

According to recommendations from the Department for Education, students should be spending the following length of time on their home learning:

Years 7 and 8: from 4 hours per week

Year 9: from 5 hours per week

Years 10 and 11: from 7.5 hours per week

Teaching staff record all home learning on Show My Homework. They log all tasks and deadlines along with guidance (where necessary) on how the work should be completed. Students can access this by clicking on the logo on the left.

The Role of Students

All students are expected to complete their homework tasks to the best of their ability and submit this to their teacher by the deadline.

Students are to ensure they understand each homework task before they begin each task. If they are unsure of the expectations of a homework task, they will actively ask their teacher for clarification.

The Role of Parents/Carers

Parents can support their child in the completion of their home learning activities by: