Reporting an Absence


Students' attendance and punctuality is vital to success and impacts extremely positively on their grades as well as setting the high standards and expectations that colleges, universities and employers would expect.

Students who have a annual attendance figure of above 95% on average achieve 1 grade higher in all their subject areas than students with attendance below this.

Attendance Award 2 Spring 24.pdf
Attenance Award 2 spring 24.pdf

Reporting Absences

On the morning of the first day of absence please contact the school, by telephone 01708 460503  or email ( When leaving the school site for approved reasons, students are expected to sign out at the main office and sign back in upon return.


We place great importance on punctuality, which is seen as good training for life. It is also important that students are present in time for assemblies and registration when important information is given out.


Holidays during term time will not be authorised for any year group, this is in line with the Local Authority's guidance.