Optional Transitional Activities

We know that students are still being set work by their primary schools. We have been asked by parents for transition work and so below are some links to some optional transition work which will give students a head start in September.


As a school our maths department uses an online package called ‘Hegarty Maths’. They have created a free course called ‘Secondary Ready’. This course is free until September and would help students stay connected with maths over the summer.

If you wish to access this free course (Numerise) please follow the link below:


We are always keen to develop the scientific skills of our students. To help do this, we have attached a transition science skills booklet below. This will take students through basic skills for secondary science and build on those that they have learned in primary school.

We have also provided links to resources from the RAF and National Physics Laboratory which will help to develop students investigative skills by carrying out short investigations at home.


At Sanders we love local history. We have the privilege of teaching in a school steeped in History of it's own and named after a historical figure. Sanders Draper was a pilot in World War Two who crash landed in order to save students at the school. We invite pupils to research the history of their local area, this could either be historical stories that are specific to your area or the role the area played in national and global events.

For more general history work, you could also sign up to Seneca learning. They offer a wide variety of Key Stage 3 modules, many of which we cover in year 7 and 8.


A key aspect of english at Secondary school is creative writing. At Sanders we encourage students to write for pleasure and creative writing is central to this. On the link below is a slide show which takes students through a range of creative writing examples and helps them to develop their writing skills.