
About the Department

Welcome to Science at Sanders where we are excited at the opportunity to develop your child’s scientific thinking and foster their curiosity.  We are proud of our GCSE success. Pass rates for the three disciplines  Biology/Chemistry/Physics are consistently above national average.

We have a variety of expertise across the department, with specialists in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. We are a team of teachers from a variety of backgrounds including a doctor in Molecular Biology, Master degrees  and Pharmaceutical Science.

What will your child learn in year seven?

In year 7 we will begin with a 2 week essential practical skills unit to prepare students working with different ranges of equipment safely. They will learn how to use this equipment accurately to collect high quality data to come up with a valid conclusion.  Classes will then follow a rota and cover the following units in Biology:


-Structure and function of body systems

-Body systems and reproduction 

Classes will then follow a rota and cover the following units in Chemistry:

-Particles and their behaviour·

-Elements, compounds and atoms

-Chemical reactions

-Acids and alkalis

Classes will then follow a rota and cover the following units in Physics:






In every unit there will be a formative, mid – unit assessment and an end of unit exam.


Homework will be set regularly, and is a combination of practise questions, worksheets, and simple practical activities which can be done safely in the home. We are also using and google classes to support our students further to give them detailed feedback that helps them to progress further

How can learning progress throughout the classroom?

We have a strong belief in the power of extracurricular opportunities to help your son progress both inside and outside of the classroom.

We offer a weekly science club, in which students can apply what they have learned within the classroom to even more practical applications. Activities undertook here have included rocket making, dissections, the science (and eating of) ice cream and investigations of acid properties.

Science club activities, to promote different careers linking to Science, Science competitions, Science ambassadors, more opportunities for practical work to develop investigating skills, Women in Science week and extracurricular visits 

What ambassador opportunities are available to your child?

Our academic learning is matched with hands-on practicals to bring education meaningfully to life.  Engaging our students in practicals develops critical thinking and problem solving, fosters creativity and inspires innovation.  Students are encouraged and challenged to apply their learning to real life applications.